What Can’t Wait Advent Worship Series

Advent is a season of waiting, but is idle waiting what God wants of us? In preparation for the coming Messiah, we wonder together—what things can’t wait? What demands our immediate attention? What requires our work and preparation? What is it that God can’t wait for? Is it our praise, reconciliation, and proclamation? Is it the end of suffering, isolation, and fear? This Advent, we invite you to join us in imagining, prioritizing, and preparing. As we wait, what can’t?

What Can’t Wait: Week 1

“God’s Promised Day Can’t Wait.” 

Isaiah 2: 1-5 and Psalm 122

What Can’t Wait: Week 2

“Repentance Can’t Wait”

Isaiah 11: 1-10 and Matthew 3:1-12

What Can’t Wait: Week 3

Lessons and Carols

Join us for this special service of scripture, songs, and stories.

What Can’t Wait: Week 4

“Delight Can’t Wait”

Isaiah 35: 1-10 and Luke 1:46b-55