Sunday School Class

You are invited!
The Out to Lunch Bunch meets each Sunday after worship in room 501.

During the whole church emphasis on creation we will be discussing: “Stewards of Eden” (What Scripture Says About the Environment and Why it Matters) The author, Sandra Richter is a master Bible scholar with a PhD from Harvard.  Each chapter draws on a Biblical mandate about our responsibility to care for the land, it’s creatures and humans on the margin. She challenges the notion that the earth was given to humans to exploit for our own benefit. This study begins Sunday, September 19 and continues through November.

All adults are invited to join us for study, fellowship and growing our faith together.
Linda Hurlbert and Rosa Whitaker leading.

Thursday Bible Study

Thursday Bible Study continue to meet on Thursday at 6:45 pm in Room 501. 
We will look at the Creation story and discover where it leads us.  All are welcome to join us.