Faith in Action

Faith in Action – Sunday, September 12

“I was hungry and you gave me food to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger and you welcomed me. I was naked and you gave me clothes to wear. I was sick and you took care of me. I was in prison and you visited me.” ~ Jesus

Faith in Action

Join us in our 11th annual Mission and Outreach Day, September 12, 2021!

Feed My Starving Children – Sign up in the Narthex or call the office to join a packing party!

Save the Family – Bring your donations to the church and place them on or under the Save the Family Table in the Narthex.

On Sunday, September 12, right after worship, we will be packing sack lunches to take to the EVMC. Wear a hat, a mask and gloves (masks and gloves will be provided) and help make sandwiches and assemble lunches to be distributed to the men served by EVMC.

Disabled Veteran’s Cards
Each year, we hand make cards to be taken to the local Disabled Veteran’s Association. Join us as we say thank you to those who sacrificed so much for the cause of freedom!

Communion for the Homebound
Sign up to take communion to our shut-ins each month. Whether you do it once, or every month, this ministry of care and compassion is vital for those who cannot come to church.

Water for the Homeless
Share the gift of life by donating flats of bottled water for those who are without homes. These will be taken to the area police and fire stations, where the water will be distributed at hydration stations for those in need.